Our 1st Seed Program consists of cohorts of 5-10 students in 5th and 6th grade matched with a same sex mentor. The mentor will develop a mentor/advocate relationship with each student. Through partnering with Professional educators to build Relationships allowing youth and adults to obtain high levels of Achievement while utilizing engaging Instruction with a Servant attitude to Empower youth and adults to reach their highest potential. The 1st Seeds Program will begin with the initial instruction of The Blueprint for Success curriculum. While students are learning the principles for success, the mentors will be planting Seeds of P.R.A.I.S.E. through sharing life experiences with those whom we have the opportunity to serve. During the year mentors will do weekly check-ins, and monthly activities and programs with their cohort
As students enter 7th and 8th grade they will join the Sprouts cohort, a middle school mentor will become the primary advocate and will be responsible for the weekly check-in, and monthly activities and programs with the cohort of 10-15 students. The students will deepen their understanding of The Blueprint for Success principles, and be able to share their practice of the principles with others. The Sprouts will begin to demonstrate leadership by working together as a cohort with their mentor to plan Positive, Respectful, Awareness, Inspirational, Service, and Empowerment activities for their cohort and the community. The students will learn to advocate for themselves and others. By the end of the Sprout stage, each student will develop a pathway to success plan. Students beginning at the Sprouts level without completing the 1st Seed Program; will be required to participate in a series of workshops to learn The Blueprint for Success principles prior to being assigned to a cohort and mentor.
When students enter high school, they will remain in the same cohort. Each student will receive a high school mentor from several SOP educators/mentors. The mentor/advocate will make bi-weekly check-ins with all students. The SOP educators will work with assigned students using their pathway plans, and will help students track and set relevant goals. The cohort will be responsible for planning P.R.A.I.S.E. activities in August, October, December, February, April, and June. All SOP educators will work together with each cohort to plan the 6 required activities, as well as additional activities based on the cohort leadership.
When students complete high school they will become a part of the Fruit cohort. We will work with each graduate to connect them with an appropriate mentor in their college community or local community. S.O.P. will continue to provide guidance as our students transition into college or work life. We will establish a Fruit leadership group to plan quarterly events, programs, and activities for S.O.P. graduates.
If you are interested in our Mentorship and Advocacy program email Dr. Haynes at terrance@seedsofpraise.com or text 615.720.8317 to discuss enrollment. Once confirming availability use the links below to register for our program.
The Educator's Expectations workshop is designed for schools and educators to examine the expectations for their African American male students. The workshop will provide strategies for success with African American male's achievement and growth. The workshop utilizes the research conducted by Dr. Terrance Haynes during his doctoral studies in 2009. The workshop is customizable to meet the needs of your organization.